Where Strategy Meets Science

About Axis Research

The core of Axis Research is a rigorous, uncompromising methodology that lets the data guide the way to smart, effective strategies – all built on hard science. With quantitative and qualitative solutions, Axis specializes in brand and reputation management, campaign strategies, identifying key audiences, and voter communication and messaging.

We aren’t limited to one methodology, a single research strategy, or the same bag of tricks.  With our experience and background, we will custom-build the perfect research plan for your budget and needs.

Our Achievements

3 presidential campaigns

Polled over 17 winning Senate campaigns

Polled in 12 different countries

Moderated over 500 focus groups

Stopped 11 harmful tax increases from becoming law

Polled for 5 of the Fortune 25

9 years of daily nationwide public opinion tracking

Modeled the nationwide voter file with 12 different models for targeting voters for turnout and persuasion

Our Achievements

3 Presidential Campaigns

Polled over 17 winning Senate campaigns

Polled in 12 different countries

Moderated over 500 focus groups

Stopped 11 harmful tax increases from becoming law

Polled for 5 of the Fortune 25

9 years of daily nationwide public opinion tracking

Modeled the nationwide voter file with 12 different models for targeting voters for turnout and persuasion


Customized research to achieve your goals

Using the precision of science, Axis filters through all the noise and distraction to set a trusted path forward. We make sure you get it right—the first time. You won’t wonder what reactions will be to your message or your campaign – you’ll have hard data telling you exactly how you’ll be received and an approach to maximize impact.

  • Data Modeling & Tracking

    Extrapolate findings to voters nationwide to target the right people with the right message.

  • Surveys

    Understand public opinion and the drivers behind it.

  • Focus Groups & In-Depth Interviews

    Unlock in-depth insight from target groups of voters, consumers, or opinion elites.

Proven Experience

Whether it’s a ballot initiative, building a reputation campaign, generating support for new policy or new development, or even election to the highest office in the land, we’ve done it and know how to achieve success. Our experience includes taking on tough issues for a variety of top tier clients, including 2 of the Fortune 5 and 3 presidential campaigns.

Defying the Odds

Defying the Odds

Won election in a state with a 20 point party disadvantage.

Doing the Impossible

Doing the Impossible

Defeated a statewide ballot initiative in California that started with nearly 70% approval.

Strengthening Reputation

Strengthening Reputation

Improved the reputation of a large retail company following misleading attacks by organized labor.

Responsive Data

Responsive Data

Provide nightly data to multiple companies for monitoring and managing reputational challenges.

Right the
First Time

Right the
First Time

Conducted extensive message testing with the broader public, and key audiences, to ensure a new product roll-out that won market share and industry awards.

Global Impact

Global Impact

Created a system to monitor international impacts on a global brand in the United States and abroad.

Rebuilding Trust

Rebuilding Trust

Rebuilt the country’s trust in a major product supplier after an accident that garnered nationwide headlines.

Navigating Tough Environments

Navigating Tough Environments

Provided data to allow a major brand to expand in challenging regulatory environment.


Won on statewide ballot initiatives in 23 states: from California to New Jersey, from Washington state to Florida.

The Axis Team


The Axis Research team is comprised of trained mathematicians, economists, and engineers focused on developing data-driven strategies to achieve your goals. Meet our team members below.

Brenda Gianiny


Axis Research’s founding principal, Brenda Gianiny, is a nationally recognized expert in the field of public opinion research with two decades of experience honed at the highest levels of corporate America and Republican political campaigns.  Using her background, experience, and degree in mathematics, Brenda has worked with a wide range of both political and corporate clients to help them achieve success.

Blake Moore

Vice President

Keith Nielsen

Data Scientist

Fulvio Padova

Renaissance Man / Office Manager

Donya Zargham

Jr.Research Analyst

Contact Us


We can help you achieve your goals with a new strategy, an effective messaging arc,
a solid reputation plan, all built on hard science.

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